Minutes of AGM 2007 
Held at Lindley Liberal Club, Wednesday 4th July at 7.45 pm 
WF Lumley
GM Peake
D Firth
B. Bendall
David Browns
A Ward
AR Tuddenham
E Priestley, RJ Sutcliffe, D Firth, M Parsons, P Czerwinski
P Shaw, WF Lumley
Holme Valley
GM Peake, K Haigh, N Battye, R Keely, L Keely, SV Thompson, J Froggatt
Non registered: none
1.      Absent Friends Edgar Priestley gave a tribute to Tony Midgely who died 3/4/07. Mr Peake gave thanks to Richard Boylan for his speech at Tony's funeral. Fiona had bought a board and set for Huddersfield Chess Club in honour of Tony. 
2.      Apologies       M Shelmerdine, J.V. Newsome, J. Lavan 
3.      Minutes      2006 AGM minutes were approved (E Priestley/R J Sutcliffe). 
4.      Matters Arising       
There were no matters arising. 
5.      General Meeting 6th March 2007 [see minutes] 
6.      President’s Report 
In his first report as President Bill Lumley reflected on his memories of Tony Midgely. He paid tribute to the wortk of David Firth "expert shot gun rider", and thanked Barry Brian for donating the David Woodhead trophy. 
7.      Secretary’s Report 
The Secretary refered to the  website section on David Woodhead , Tony Midgley and others to perpetuate their memory. 
The Secretary gave thanks to Roger Tuddenham, who, even though it is difficult to get a word in edgeways, has great experience of chess in the HDCA, and can make a tremendous, knowledgeable input in any chess discussion. Roger had made an interesting proposition for improved accuracy in the Handicap competition. The Secretary also thanked Robert J. Sutcliffe, new Huddersfield secretary, Calderdale League secretary, Huddersfield Bishops Captain, Woodhouse Captain, a true chess enthusiast who throws himself into all chess competitions in the Huddersfield area. The Secretary refered to the rise and rise of Huddersfield CC. and its  GROWTH. New players such as Matthew Parsons, Robert Sutcliffe, Tony Aguirre, Jos Woolley recently. New teams Dragons and Bishops and Calderdale league teams, very successful Congresses / Rapidplays. Huddersfield have had a variety of in house competitions such as Summer Tournament. Swiss Championship etc. The Secretary thanked Nigel Hepworth in particular for his  fantastic job with Huddersfield Congress and Rapidplay and Juniors, and his Huddersfield Club website. 
Chess Arbiters — The secretary stated that Dave Tooley and Nigel Hepworth are taking chess arbiters course. 
The secretary gave congratulations to the Huddersfield team for winning the Calderdale League Lightning trophy. 2nd  in the Calderdale league 
And also gave  thanks to 
Stewart Thompson for his help with the mathematics, positive attitude, and advice [though his chess advice may be a bit dodgy]. 
Peter Czerwinski for spotting various errors and his help with hosting Rapidplay, booking rooms, Individual KO and this meeting. 
Edgar Priestley who is a mine of information about HDCA chess. 
David Firth for his help and support, work as treasurer. 
Bill Lumley for his work as President, and the years he spent as secretary 
John Newsome for his advice, and the work he did for the Bill Lumley Rapidplay finals, Paul Jackson for his common sense in  meetings, and John will tell us how much he has helped Netherton. 
Thanks to Holme Valley, Chartist and David Browns and Huddersfield for hosting Rapidplay rounds. 
Thanks to all those who gave up their time to attend the General Committee meeting. 
Thanks to all the Captains and secretaries, car drivers. 
And thank you to those who have cleaned the trophies before returning them. 
You have to look after the people that I have mentioned you know. They are the ones that make these wonderful chess events happen.  
If you just turn up and play, remember that without these organisers the events just would not take place, and we should show our appreciation for their hard work. 
Congratulations to all our Winners 
Yorkshire League 
Congratulations to Huddersfield for hanging on to the Woodhouse by the skin of their teeth [and an amazing win to Sheffield A]. 
New Handicap System 
It’s up to the members to decide if this has been a success. The secretary thought that it had, and thanked and congratulated all the Captains, as the adjustments were always worked out correctly. There was a problem with a wrong rating on one occasion, [John Newsome’s eyes problem —he was waiting for his new glasses at the time!] and a problem with addition of points in one match — but there, of course, maths was never really Roger Tuddenham’s strong point ! 
The Secretary had graded all leagues games, Individual KO, Netherton Club games, HV Chess Tournament games, Huddersfield Summer Tournament, Huddersfield Swiss Tournament, Huddersfield Congress, Yorkshire League games, Calderdale League games 
Rapidplay results for the last three years had been graded. 
General Committee met 6/3/07 [see minutes] 
The Web site 
The secretary liked the idea of having all the information such as fixtures, results, tables, grades etc. in one place, so people can view it at the click of a mouse. 
Photos can be viewed and games played through on line, including Bill Lumley's games in the British Correspondence Chess Championship, and information and links to other chess events. 
The secretary had tried to make the info as quick to load as possible. 
The secretary gave apologies for being an occasional pain in the proverbial - it comes with the character defects, and paranoia, depression etc. 
Apologies for a mistake in the draw for the Individual KO. 
The secretary's golden rule is that chess should always be the winner. 
We welcomed Brighouse back to the Examiner this season, which the secretary was very pleased about, and new team Huddersfield Bishops. 
There are problems with cold venues, fear of change, apathy, lack of young people in the League, but at least no disappearing chess clubs such as SPEN this season. Other problems such as spiralling petrol costs and bad weather postponements we cannot do much about. 
FW Brown trophy: insufficient entries. The secretary proposed that the F. W. Rapidplay trophy be given to the highest placed HDCA registered player in the Open section of the Huddersfield CC Rapidplay. 
“Good leaders are intolerant of bad events.” 
[It's not just the player who turns up and doesn't get a game - matches are more often than not effectively decided by defaults] 
Defaults prevented the Huddersfield Dragons from winning the Examiner for the second year running. 
Email and the web is the future. If anyone here has email, and is not on the Chess distribution list, the please contact the secretary after the meeting. 
The secretary stated that he would be away for a month end October. Robert Sutcliffe volunteered to be a contact point for problems during this time. 
8. Treasurer’s Report 
Mr Firth produced the Accounts for the year ending 31 May 2007. 
The balance sheet showed a surplus for the year of £129.01, with net assets of £743.20. 
The Treasurer proposed that team entry fees be reduced from £10 to £5 for this year, seconded by Edgar Priestley [passed 10-9] 
The Accounts were accepted unanimously, and a vote of thanks to Mr Firth, was proposed by Mr A. Ward , supported by R. Keely. 
9. Confirmation of Fees for 2006-2007 
See Treasurer's Report.  
10. Presentation of Trophies 
Watkinson                                 Netherton 1 
Littlewood                                 Huddersfield Knights 
Examiner                                   Holme Valley 
Team K.O.                                David Browns 
FW Brown Rapidplay Champion  unplayed       
Bill Lumley Rapidplay                Chartist                   
Individual K.O. 
Section 1      P Shaw (Netherton)                        beat      L. Keely (Holme Valley) 
Section 2      A. R. Tuddenham (Chartist)           beat     D Grobbler ( Netherton) 
Section 3     J Froggatt  (Holme Valley)              beat     N Battye (Holme Valley)   
11. Election of Officers 
The President:      W F Lumley       
Treasurer:                D Firth    
Secretary:                G M Peake  
12. Election of  Handicap/Competition Committee. 
WF Lumley , AR Tuddenham, PH Jackson, G M Peake. Edgar Priestley asked to retire and was replaced by Robert Sutcliffe. Edgar was thanked for his many years of work for the Handicap Committee. 
13. PROPOSITIONS (G M Peake/A R Tuddenham) 
The propositions below were all passed. 
Proposition 1 
1. A player's grade is found by dividing his grade by 10, and rounding to the nearest half. e.g. 132 rating is 13, 84 rating is 8.5, 113 is 11.5, 97 is 9.5  
Difference in Rating              Lower Rated gets adjustment of...  
         0.5                                      1  
          1                                        2  
         1.5                                      3  
          2                                        4  
         2.5                                      5  
          3                                        6  
         3.5                                      7 
          4                                        8  
         4.5 or more                        8.5 (this is the maximum adjustment possible) 
An amendment to make the maximum adjustment 9 [A. Ward / B Bendall] was defeated. 
Proposition 2 
13. Teams should not seek a postponement with less than 8 days notice. A team unable to fulfil a fixture during this period must:- 
Inform opponents without delay. 
Inform League Secretary, in writing, without delay. 
Concede the match. 
Proposition 2  
delete “in writing” 
Proposition 3 
8.      Voting 
Any registered player may attend and vote at the AGM or at an EGM. 
Proposition 3: Change to " Anyone may attend, but only registered players may vote at the AGM or at an EGM." 
Proposition 4 
11.      Alteration to Constitution or Rules 
This may only take place at a General Meeting with a two thirds majority of votes cast. 
Notice of proposed changes must be sent to the Secretary 21 days in advance. 
Proposition 4  
This may only take place at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting with a two thirds majority of votes cast. 
Notice of proposed changes must be sent to the Secretary 21 days in advance. 
Proposition 5. 
6. A club which enters 2 teams in the Scratch Competition, shall nominate its 4 strongest players who shall not be eligible for the 2nd team. The remaining players may play for either team except that once a player has played 3 games above board 5 in the first team, he shall no longer be eligible for the 2nd team. A club which enters 3 teams, shall nominate its 10 strongest players, who shall not be eligible for the 3rd team. The clubs remaining players may play for any team, until they have played 3 games anywhere above board 5 of the 2nd team, when they will cease to be eligible for the 3rd team. This formula can be extended. 
Proposition 5 
6. Rules applying to clubs that enter 2 or more teams in the Scratch Competition. 
Once a player has played on one of the top three boards for the A team, he is then no longer eligible to play for any other team. 
Once a player has played on one of the top three boards for the B team, he is then no longer eligible to play for the C team. 
This formula can be extended. 
7. In a season where a club's first B team fixture precedes its first A team fixture, rule 6 above is applied as though the A team had played its first match before the B team's first match. 
[Comment: This means that if a player had played in the B team's first match, then subsequently played on one of the top 3 boards for the A team in its first match, then he is deemed retrospectively ineligible for the B team and the ineligibility rule applies [board forfeited].  
Note the above option only applies in the special case where the B team plays its first match of the season before the A team's first match.] 
Proposition 6. 
Proposition 6  
8. Players above 150 grade must have played a minimum of two league games for the Club to be eligible for play-off games. 
[note they may have played these games for the Club in other competitions, e.g. in Examiner when Play-Off is in Watkinson ] 
Amendment [Bill Lumley delete "above 150 grade" was carried] 
Proposition 7. 
(C)    Rating System  
Proposition 7  Add 
7. If a Captain enters an incorrect rating then the secretary corrects the rating, and... 
[a] if the offending team is in the correct board order, and there is no change in adjustment points total, there is no penalty. 
[b] if the offending team is in an incorrect board order then the wrong board order rule applies – all boards affected by the infringement are forfeited. 
[c] if the adjustment points total is incorrect, the offending team has one point deducted from its score [for each incorrect rating]. 
Proposition 8. 
Proposition 8 Add 
8. Mistake in the rating adjustment calculation / points start
It is the responsibility of BOTH captains to ensure that the rating adjustments, the points start calculation and the calculation of the match result are correct.  
If an error has been made in calculation of any of these areas, the secretary shall correct the error(s), and calculate the result on the basis of the corrected figures. There shall be no penalty for such errors.  
Mistakes in rating adjustment / points start calculation have not yet happened, but it is best to set out procedure in the rules in case it does happen, rather than have to call an Executive Committee meeting to sort it out, after people have become upset when the inevitable finally happens! 
Players may play on under the misapprehension that they have to win, or take a draw believing that a draw is enough to win, or that the match is lost, even if they play on and win etc. if the points start is incorrect. 
In the Chartist v Brighouse match, there was a mistake in the calculation of the match result, even though ratings, and points start calculation were both correct. Both teams went away from the match believing that Brighouse had won the match when, in fact, it was a draw. A Brighouse player was wrongly advised that he only needed to draw to win the match.  
The point here is that it is each Team Captain's responsibility to correctly advise his own players, i.e. BOTH Captains' responsibility. That is why there is no penalty.] 
The secretary shall carry out this duty of correction, regardless of any misconception entertained by either team or any member of either team before, during or after the match. 
Proposition 9. 
2. Players shall be placed in 3 sections:-  
i.       Section 1      Rating of 13 or higher 
ii.      Section 2      Rating of 8 to 12 
iii.     Section 3      Rating of 7 and below. 
Proposition 9 
2. Players shall be placed in 4 sections:-  
i.      Section 1        Grades of 135 or higher 
ii.     Section 2a      Grades 110 – 134 
iii.    Section 2b      Grades   85 – 109 for the The David Woodhead trophy 
iv.     Section 3        Grades of 84 and below. 
All sections should be made “open” so that players below the grading band could elect to  play in a higher section.   
This would give a 25 grading gap instead of the present gap of 50, which is too wide. 
Barry Brian is donating the David Woodhead trophy.] 
Proposition 10. 
5.      Players shall spin for colour and winner shall have choice. In case of drawn games, colours shall be reversed. 
6.      In the event of a draw, a second game shall be played with reverse colours. If two games are drawn at normal rate, subsequent games to be played at 30 minutes per player, until a result is obtained. Players to spin for choice of colour at the start of the new time control. 
[Comment: clarification of wording below] 
Proposition 10 
5.      Players shall spin for colour and winner shall have choice. In case of drawn games, colours shall be reversed and a second game shall be played at the same rate of play. 
6.      If two games are drawn at normal rate, subsequent games to be played under FIDE Rapidplay rules at 30 minutes per player, until a result is obtained. Players to spin for choice of colour at the start of the new Rapidplay time control, and alternate colours in any subsequent games. 
Proposition 11 
Proposition 11 
Originally proposed by Roger Keely, seconded by John Newsome, at the General Meeting 
The F.W Brown trophy be awarded to the HDCA registered player who achieves the highest grade for his [her] games in the annual Huddersfield Rapidplay Congress. 
14. AOB 
Captains and members were asked to promote the Individual KO and support the Woodhouse Cup team. 
The Meeting closed at 10.10 pm